I have been a medium since my childhood; it goes back to my ancestors. But when I was young my fate made me turn away from the spiritual life in the world and I lead a normal life.
Then one day a spirit soul appeared before me that turned out to be my spiritual leader. For 3 years he introduced me to the spiritual world. Angels, souls, karma, path of life and the purpose of life were revealed to me, so that I could help others to reach their own light… their healing, their love and their happiness.
My path and my past
From being very young I could tell other children what would happen, whether it was a Barbie doll for Christmas or their parents would soon be divorced. I thought it was a game that every child could do but I was taught otherwise.
After I had an unpleasant vision for a child I was called a witch in my school and avoided. As a result I didn’t want to have anything more to do with my gift and “unusual things” in this world.
About 16 years later, after many ups and downs, many very low points but also lovely lights my life my gift returned to me and reminded me of my past. After 3 years of training which took place on the spiritual level with my spiritual leader (he stood by me as a soul and taught me to perceive souls and taught me methods how to protect myself during this contacts, how to receive messages and to mediate). I learned how to make the connection to the spiritual world thus to help people.
In the meantime I found out that this gift kept appearing in my line of ancestors and that my mother, my cousin and an uncle on my mother’s side are/ were mediums.
A few years ago it was revealed to me that I am a reincarnated angel. That really amazed me, I can tell you!
My biography (just in german right now)
I have already written my autobiography about my life as an medium which is waiting for a publisher. This book should be help people to see how unique and valuable each person is on this wonderful mother earth…even if it is sometimes hard to believe. It should show how I survived my difficult period, how I had doubts and suffered and finally found my gift. It should give people hope to work on themselves and not to give up – Do that they can feel wonderful, like I do.
I hope I could satisfy your curiosity.
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You can order my book here:
Plötzlich hellsichtig: Ein Erdenengel erzählt…
at Amazon.com
ISBN: 978 1490 96 1620
276 Sites
Social Media
You will find me on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Momanda, Sofengo and Twitter.
Here you find a Youtube-Video english subtitle about my life: