Channeling-Topic: „The Flower of Life“

Dear Light,

I have a new field in my blog calls: “ChaDeWo”. This is the shortcut for “Channeling of the week” in german. With these words from the angels, universe, god and the goddess I want to give a great start into the new week! I hope you like it!

channeling of the week

Inside you is the endless light of the universe and of love. It points like the a flower the light, joy and lightness. It moves with the sun and is one with the outer world. It is you! Sometimes we forget it and have the feeling that the happened things are coincedences, not scheduled or a punishments. Nothing and nobody is out there to punish you, except yourself. Release yourself! Think good about yourself, love your body, make peace with yourself and the outter world will reflect this to you too. Your soul and angels love the way you are. Never forget that and do the same with yourself.  Awake the flower of life inside your heart and soul. Its a never ending flower which needs your love, attantion and compassion. 
Archangel Ariel is with you this week!


Sabrina DiAngelo©2014
