Die Rauhnächte bewusst energetisch & positiv umsetzen

Die Rauhnächte können dir dabei helfen, endlich dein Leben zu ändern. Das sind die 12 Nächte ab Heilig Abend. Jeder Abend hat eine besondere Bedeutung und spielt eine große Rolle für

Von |2024-12-14T14:56:27+01:0014.12.2024|12 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 1.9.-7.9.2014 „Face your fears“

  It's simple to live in fears, to believe them everything negative about past or/and the future - every kid can do that and it happens everyday to everyone of us.

Von |2014-09-01T12:26:55+02:001.09.2014|0 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the month – March 2014 „Healing“

Channeling-Topic: "Healing"     Dear Light, during my winter break the "ChaDeWo" - the shortcut for “Channeling of the week” in German - will be replaced by the "ChaDeMo" which means "Channeling

Von |2014-03-03T16:14:04+01:003.03.2014|0 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 07.10.-13.10.2013 “Get past the fears“

Channeling-Topic: "Get past the fears"   Dear Light, I have a new field in my blog calls: “ChaDeWo”. This is the shortcut for “Channeling of the week” in german. With these

Von |2013-10-07T10:28:58+02:007.10.2013|0 Kommentare
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