Die Rauhnächte bewusst energetisch & positiv umsetzen

Die Rauhnächte können dir dabei helfen, endlich dein Leben zu ändern. Das sind die 12 Nächte ab Heilig Abend. Jeder Abend hat eine besondere Bedeutung und spielt eine große Rolle für

Von |2024-12-14T14:56:27+01:0014.12.2024|12 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 24.11.-30.11.2014 -„Recognize envy and overcome it!“

    Dear Light, I have a field in my blog calls: “ChaDeWo”. This is the shortcut for “Channeling of the week” in german. With these words from the angels, universe,

Von |2014-11-24T12:30:50+01:0024.11.2014|0 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 17.11.-23.11.2014 -„Everything will be okay in the end…“

    Dear Light, I have a field in my blog calls: “ChaDeWo”. This is the shortcut for “Channeling of the week” in german. With these words from the angels, universe,

Von |2014-11-17T17:00:51+01:0017.11.2014|0 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 3.11.-9.11.2014 „Everything in life has two sides“

  Everything in life has two sides We are so used to see the negative side of life and still we are wondering why we are so unhappy. Thats because we

Von |2014-11-03T10:45:24+01:003.11.2014|0 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 27.10.-2.11.2014 „Halloween as a graduation and a new start“

    Halloween as a graduation and a new start Halloween is not just only a habit from the USA to sell sweets. No, this celebration is much older and has

Von |2014-10-27T10:54:42+01:0027.10.2014|0 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 8.9.-14.9.2014 „From sadness to happiness“

      It's OK to be sad. It's a part of healing our past. But be aware of the fact that we as humans sometimes don't recognize when we already

Von |2014-09-08T12:26:00+02:008.09.2014|0 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 4.8.-10.8.2014 „Activate your inner LOVE!“

    Love can heal everything – even these parts which we don’t recognize. Love is the energy behind the ego, fears, paradigms, blockades and all negatives. You’ll get what your

Von |2014-08-04T17:51:28+02:004.08.2014|0 Kommentare

Angel-Channeling of the week 5.5.-11.5.2014 „The Flower of Life“

Channeling-Topic: "The Flower of Life" Dear Light, I have a new field in my blog calls: “ChaDeWo”. This is the shortcut for “Channeling of the week” in german. With these words

Von |2014-05-05T12:43:12+02:005.05.2014|0 Kommentare
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